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The mission of the Senate Presidents’ Forum is to provide a nonpartisan environment where state senate leaders meet to share knowledge and consider solutions to critical problems facing the states. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization.

Our Values

We are guided by principles of civility, open-mindedness and commitment to the common good. The Forum is noted for the respectful discussion of divergent viewpoints, collaborative strategies, and evidence-based problem-solving.

Because we believe that knowledge is the cornerstone of good public policy, our aim is to support legislative leaders with expert insights and an environment for freely exchanging ideas. Members tackle issues in our in-person sessions, online meetings, and through podcasts, and return to their home legislatures to shape smart policy.

The Senate Presidents’ Forum is not a political action committee of any sort. We do not raise or distribute funds to influence the outcome of elections or legislation. No taxpayer monies are used by the organization in any manner. No lobbying or political fundraising is permitted at Forum events. Inclusiveness, the sharing of knowledge, and collegiality are the hallmarks of the Senate Presidents’ Forum.

Mission Statement & Values

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